Ash Wednesday & Giving

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, a period where many Christians engage in fasting, prayer, almsgiving and confession of sins. It cumulates in Holy Week, the week before Easter: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Lent  finishes on Easter Sunday, the day that celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Though we are living in an increasingly secular world, these traditions continue to hold cultural meaning and value for those who participate, either as the community of faithful or as special occasion worshippers. A significant aspect to the Lenten period is the remembering of those less fortunate. Although, this, I argue, should be part of one's daily life in the form of volunteerism, advocacy, activism, financial contributions or acts of general kindness, people are not perfect and get caught up in other aspects of their own lives. Lent is a good opportunity for all of us to take time to remember others and renew our engagement to volunteer, advocate for those who are marginalized, give donations of time, resources, money or skills, and remember to be kind and thoughtful.

The Catholic Relief Services (CRS), a humanitarian and emergency relief organization, has developed an app for their yearly fundraising campaign, Lenten CRS Rice Bowl 2014, the Lenten program known for its colorful cardboard rice bowl -- in 2013 the program raised $7 million to fight hunger and poverty.  "With the App people can schedule delivery of daily reflections to their mobile device, set and track their progress towards a personal Lenten goal, view the simple meatless recipes to prepare and serve on Fridays during Lent, and read or watch stories about the people whose lives have been changed. The App is free and can be downloaded from the iTunes and Goggle Play stores or at" Learn more here:

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