Rice is the staple food of more than half of the global population. Though Guyana, in northern South America, produces only 0.02% of the world's rice, in that country it is the second most important agricultural commodity.
My anthropology doctoral research focuses on the people who labour in the Guyanese rice industry. I am interested in issues surrounding land, social stratification, women agriculturalists, access to inputs, rituals of production, global and political relationships, economic dependancies and water management and access issues. It's a lot. I know. Despite the significance of these matters, little social science research addresses these subjects. Not all of the topics will be fleshed out in my dissertation but all of them (and others) will be addressed at some point in this blog.
I look forward to reading your comments and stories and to sharing my project and random rice thoughts with you all!
I'll read that blog. Not now, because we move tomorrow morning to Thonon and have a lot of packages to finish tonight. But, great to share you Guyana experience and objectives through this blog. See you later.